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Home Forums Village Host Community / Movement What could be the definition of a village host?

last updated by IVAN2 1 year, 5 months ago
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  • #2355

    Let’s keep discussing here what we started in Grottole on 16/05/2023


    Hello everyone! What has emerged in Grottole about this topic? Unfortunately I was not there but I would like to know more from all!


    What could be the definition of a village host?

    This is a key discussion, identifying this practices is the starting point to support its community.

    It might be probably related to:

    hosting and tourism initiatives in rural areas that aim at having a social impact while connecting rural and urban communities: rural art residencies, makerspaces, co-working, co-living, … all emerging distributed grassroots design for social innovation initiatives experimenting new economic and social models while connecting rural places with urban ones.

    as Massimo suggested.



    could you elaborate on this?

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